Leszek Możdżer / Gloria Campaner *Bilety wyprzedane


Gloria Campaner and Leszek Możdżer - an unusual combination of two virtuosos creates a delightful sound world.

The serious, classical pianism of the outstanding Gloria Campaner is contrasted with the spontaneous, improvised parts of Leszek Możdżer, who, being a trained classical pianist himself, enriches classical compositions with surprising, new elements.

Such a combination is fascinating for the most experienced music connoisseurs, because perfectly presented piano classics enriched with elements of improvised music is an explosive mixture of exceptional nobility, and the visible joy of the performers from making music together is shared by the audience.

The artists enrich their performance with electronic sounds and mesmerizing instruments from the studio of the master Pinuccio Sciola - singing stones that, while emitting amazing, cosmic sounds, put the audience face to face with the secrets of nature deeply enchanted in matter. All this makes the concert of Gloria Campaner and Leszek Możdżer a fascinating journey.

photo. Joanna Wizmur




Leszek Możdżer piano

Gloria Campaner piano


Tickets sold out.

More information: facebook

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Ze względu na prace remontowe związane z budową trasy tramwajowej do Wilanowa i torowiska na ul. Rakowieckiej, dojazd do naszej siedziby jest obecnie utrudniony. Prosimy o zapoznanie się ze szczegółami tutaj.

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