TURNAU SOLO *Bilety wyprzedane


TURNAU SOLO is a great treat for everyone who appreciates the intimate and intimate atmosphere of Grzegorz Turnau's concerts. In the Nowa Miodowa hall, for the first time in a long time, the Artist will perform alone at the piano. This is an opportunity for close contact with Grzegorz's music and songs, and the excellent acoustics of the hall will allow you to enjoy every sound of the piano versions of well-known and popular songs.


Grzegorz Turnau


Tickets available here: https://goout.net/pl/


Grzegorz TURNAU – singer, composer, pianist. He has been performing with his band for over 30 years. He has released 16 albums with his own repertoire and 3 albums interpreting works by other artists. He participated as a guest in many phonographic and concert projects, collaborating with numerous soloists, instrumentalists and orchestras.

He made his debut at the 20th Student Song Festival in Krakow (1984) with the song We Wander Again (to a poem by K.K. Baczyński), where he won the first prize. Invited by Piotr Skrzynecki to Piwnica pod Baranami, he performed there for 13 years. He also took part in many projects, the most important of which are: Ludźmierz Vespers (1992) and Road, Life, Love (2000) by J.K. Pawluśkiewicz and L.A. Moczulski.

The artist has received numerous awards and distinctions: the Golden Cross of Merit, the Gloria Artis Medal for Merit to Culture, the Honorary Citizenship of the City of Inowrocław, 9 Fryderyk awards (awarded by the Polish Phonographic Academy), 2 Wiktory awards (awarded by TVP), the Grand Prix of the Opole Festival, Mateusz (awarded by Radio Trójka), 2 Super Ones.

Grzegorz Turnau is also the author of theater and film music. Together with his band, he has played nearly 3,000 concerts so far, which enjoy unflagging interest of listeners who appreciate the original and intricate stage form.

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