Paul Anthony Romero / Heroes Piano Collections


Music from Heroes of Might and Magic III

Paul Anthony Romero and the Game Music Foundation invite you to a unique concert of music from Heroes of Might and Magic III (August 11th, 2023 in Warsaw, Poland).

Heroes Piano Collections is a sentimental return to the music known from the extremely popular strategy game. Beautiful melodies from Heroes of Might and Magic III will resound in the form of an intimate piano recital. During the performance, Paul Anthony Romero will present original musical themes that he created over two decades ago, in the version in which they were originally created at the beginning.

“Music for Heroes of Might and Magic III in the first stage of production was created as the piano themes. Since I am a pianist, all the pieces were originally composed for this instrument and then further produced by Rob King using samples.” says Paul Anthony Romero.

“Heroes Piano Collections is therefore for me a return to the beginning, an artistic turn towards the source, a journey to the time of birth of these themes. I have been planning this project for years and I am glad that we could finally implement it together with the Game Music Foundation.” – adds the composer.

The Heroes Piano Collections concert was intentionally planned as a recital in a very intimate space of the modern Nowa Miodowa Concert Hall in Warsaw. Due to the extraordinary acoustic qualities of the venue, the performance will not be amplified in any way – so that the participants can enjoy the musical feast in its purest form. For this reason, the event will be limited to a small group of participants.

The graphics promoting the event were drawn by Magdalena Katańska, an artist known among fans of the Heroes of Might and Magic game series and beyond.

“I am a great lover of these games myself and I am happy that once again I can work on the visual side of projects related to them. The poster promoting the concert is an intentionally delicate sketch, referring to the fact that we present this music in its original, pure form.” – says the artist.

Heroes Piano Collections is another project by the Game Music Foundation and the composers of music for the Heroes of Might & Magic series. On the organization’s initiative back in 2015, Paul Romero performed a concert in Toruń during the Tofifest International Film Festival.

In 2017, the organization produced the first symphonic concert of music from these games – The Symphony of Heroes. In the same year, the label Gamemusic Records, which belongs to the Foundation, released the beautiful vinyl album Heroes Piano Sonatas. In 2022, Gamemusic Records produced an official vinyl album with the original soundtrack of Heroes of Might & Magic III, reissued soon afterwards.


Paul Anthony Romero


Tickets available here: Ticketmaster

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