Arvo Pärt, known as the musical mystic of our times, was born in 1935 in the small village of Paide near Tallinn. His childhood and youth were at the crossroads of many cultures and religions. He tries to cultivate this kind of variety in his compositions. Over the years, he has created his own style, full of deep spirituality, original and recognizable all over the world.
Liturgical texts have always been a literary inspiration for Pärt, and musically, he has always been drawn to the raw sounds of the past centuries. Today it can be safely said that this unique, ascetic in form and referring to the medieval, yet innovative, music has conquered all continents.
In a project by Marcin Markowicz, prepared especially for the Music of Faith Music of Peace Festival, this excellent, experimental violinist included a unique selection of canonical works by the Estonian master. Pärt's composer's pearls will sound in non-obvious interpretations of outstanding young artists who successfully combine the worlds of classical music and jazz.
De Pacem Domina for string quartet
Alina for solo piano
Fratres for violin and piano
Improwizacja I for string quartet
Es sang vor langen Jahren for voice, violin and viola
Improwizacja II for piano
Summa for string quartet
My Heart’s in the Highland for voice, violin, viola, cello and piano
Fratres for string quartet
Spiegel im Spiegel for violin and piano
Lutosławski Quartet:
Roksana Kwaśnikowaka violin
Marcin Markowicz violin
Artur Rozmysłowicz viola
Maciej Młodawski cello
Dominik Wania piano
Anna Lobedan alt
Ticket sale: here
"Music of Faith Music of Peace" festival website:
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