On October 14, during a ceremonial gala that will take place in the Concert Hall of the State Music School Complex No. 1 in Warsaw, prof. Piotr Gliński, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport, will award creators, animators and patrons whose activities contribute to the development, promotion and protection of culture in a special way. The prizes will be awarded in 17 categories.
The annual Award of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage has been awarded since 1997 to artists, creators and animators of culture for their entire activity or for outstanding achievements in a given year in the field they represent. This prestigious award allows the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport to emphasize the most important trends and phenomena appearing in Polish culture by honoring the people who create and represent them.
The National Center for Culture is responsible for the organization of the Annual Awards of the Minister of Culture, National Heritage and Sport. This year's ceremony will be hosted by TVP Kultura journalist - Katarzyna Sanocka. The event will be broadcast on TVP Kultura on Sunday, October 17 at 16.00 and on TVP2 at 22.05.
Ze względu na prace remontowe związane z budową trasy tramwajowej do Wilanowa i torowiska na ul. Rakowieckiej, dojazd do naszej siedziby jest obecnie utrudniony. Prosimy o zapoznanie się ze szczegółami tutaj.
Dla zachowania komfortu zachęcamy również do przyjazdu na wydarzenie odpowiednio wcześniej.