Atanas Valkov Piano Odyssey


Atanas Valkov's solo concert - "Piano Odyssey, or wanderings through endless sounds" is a journey through the musical discoveries of the composer and pianist.

His latest project "Piano π Odyssey" is an exploration of the harmonic and sonic possibilities of the instrument through the prism of the mystery of the number π and infinity. Valkov will combine his original improvisations, illustrative and film compositions, as well as jazz and folk motifs inspired by Polish and Bulgarian ethnic music.

Known for his originality, the artist will present his unique musical language, which he describes as a "sound continuum" in both controlled and free improvisation. He will use elements of continuum music and aleotorical approach to improvisation as well as sonoristic techniques of creating sound.

We will be able to hear the piano in a completely new way, discovering the previously unknown possibilities of the instrument thanks to electronic experiments of processing the sound of the piano by the composer. Valkov draws inspiration from classical, jazz and world music, creating captivating compositions full of melancholy and pulsating energy. His works surprise with harmony, hypnotize with the complexity of rhythmic irregularity, but also with melodiousness and crazy expression.


Atanas Valkov piano


Tickets available HERE

Informacja odnośnie dojazdu

Ze względu na prace remontowe związane z budową trasy tramwajowej do Wilanowa i torowiska na ul. Rakowieckiej, dojazd do naszej siedziby jest obecnie utrudniony. Prosimy o zapoznanie się ze szczegółami tutaj.

Dla zachowania komfortu zachęcamy również do przyjazdu na wydarzenie odpowiednio wcześniej.


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